Wednesday, March 11, 2009

unpacked and edelweiss

Well, I am finally all moved into my new apartment. And all unpacked. It only took me a week. (I'm starting my time from when I was completely out of my old place.) It's a good feeling to not have unpacking hanging over my head. Of course, I haven't been running like I should have been. I'll have to pick it up again this week. (And ongoing....)

In other news, last Saturday night I went to the symphony with the new Relief Society president. (Well, she wasn't "officially" the president at the time.) The special guest visitors with the symphony were the Von Trapp children. Not the original children. These ones were the great grandchildren of the captain. The grand children of Kurt. ("I'm Kurt. I'm incorigable.") It was surprisingly good. I thought it was just going to be corny. Well, it was corny, but it was also good. And we even got to sing along to "Edelweiss". (They sang a lot of songs from "The Sound of Music".) Point being: buying season tickets to the Columbus symphony was a good idea. Sometimes some good comes of just doing things without thinking about them.

I was going to give an overview of the rest of my week, but nothing else really happened. Instead I will tell you about Books I have Read This Week:

1. The Book Theif by Markus Zusak. I recommend this book. It has very interesting prose. I just like how it read. (It's about a young girl growing up in World War 2 Germany.)

2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. This one just won the Newberry Award. I like that it did because usually they give the Newberry to some overly sappy book that teaches some great message, and I would say this one doesn't. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great book. It just didn't seem like it was trying to win the Newberry. And Neil Gaiman (author of "Coraline" and "Stardust") is just kind of weird sometimes. Anyway - I recommend this one too.

3. Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull. Remember how I didn't really like the first book? Well, the second one was better. And now I'm in the middle of the third one, and it's good too. So just muscle your way through the first one to get to the rest of the series. Two thoughts: 1. Thanks to Sarah and Robbie for telling me to keep reading. 2. I think it's funny how Brandon Mull names a lot of his characters after old members of the Divine Comedy troupe from BYU. (From back in the day when I used to go.)

And now that's all I've got for today.

1 comment:

  1. You moved again? I can't keep up with you. I just got a copy of "The Book Thief." You'd better be right about it being a good book...
