Tuesday, November 10, 2009

it's not you, it's me

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a guy at work about how much I love "30 Rock". (It is seriously funny - go check it out.) He told me that "Community" was better. Rather than fight it out, we both agreed to watch the other's show and talk about them.

Since that time, he has watched every single episode in all four seasons of "30 Rock". Me? I have watched zero episodes the eight total episodes currently out of "Community". It's not that I don't want to. I do. I like laughing and finding things to laugh at. I've even put "watch community" on my to-do list several days, but to no avail. It's just that I really honestly and truly forget to watch it every time I might have time to do so. When I have just a bit of spare time I almost never think, "I should watch some tv." I don't have cable - I just have rabbit ears - so why would I go sit in front of the tv for four stations? (Answer: I wouldn't.) And since I'm out of practice watching tv on my actual tv, I forget that I can watch tv online sans commercials.

I'm not one of those self-righteous people that thinks I'm awesome for not watching much tv or who looks down on you for watching. Sometimes I wish I watched more tv. There's some good shows out there. And I like knowing what other people are talking about. And it's fun to quote.

Most of the time I can't even tell you what else I'm doing. Reading for sure. And running. (Though now that it gets dark at 5:30, it's harder to run because I can't run safely outside and treadmill running makes me crazy. I really have to work myself up to go running on a treadmill.) (Aside: if anyone likes running outside at night in cold weather and will be my body guard, there is currently an opening.) And... hanging out with people? Who knows.

I think I'm just better at watching stuff if I'm with people. I feel like I'm being social even if we're just all sitting and watching the same thing together. (This is probably because I talk during shows, so I do feel like I'm being social.)

Mostly I feel badly because I feel like I'm not fulfilling my promises. I have several videos that I've borrowed from people that I haven't gotten around to watching yet. Plus my Netflix. And now "Community". But, it's on my to-do list, so I'm sure I'll get to it this week...


  1. As his viewing record indicates, 30 Rock is clearly the superior show. However, Community does have it's moments. Make sure to watch the Halloween episode, once you finally get around to keeping your word.

  2. You need to get really sick so you can stay at home and get caught up with your T.V. viewing. Oh and get a TIVO too.
