Sunday, February 12, 2012

it's been one week (or so) since you looked at me

Ever since I've moved to the DC area, the question I get the most is "How's DC?"  So, here's a pretty boring update. (I think that everyone knows I moved here, but if not - hey, I moved to Washington DC!)

First - living arrangements.  I live with three other girls in a pretty spacious townhouse.  I have my own room and bathroom, which is lovely.  (Not that I minded sharing with previous roommates Scarlet and Scout before her, but it's nice to pick up a pair of glasses and know that they are mine.)  Two of the new roommates are delightful and kind girls and I've enjoyed talking to them.  The other one is probably delightful and kind, but I've only seen her once and I'm not totally convinced she even sleeps (or comes) here.

I started work two days after I moved here, and between work and school (still in school) It has been slow going trying to get my house in order.  I spent most of the time I had in the first week and a half getting the front room organized, so my delightful and kind roommates wouldn't hate me.  As those of you know who helped me move, I have a lot of stuff.  At last I've got all the books on the shelves (luckily my roommates didn't have anything in the front room, so I could take over, as is my wont in the places I live).  (Also luckily, there wasn't a tv in the front room, and I provided mine, so they have more reason to not hate me for taking over.)  So for the last few days I've at last been able to focus on trying to get my room organized.  One of my roommates commented on the progress I was able to make in just one day yesterday as she walked by my bedroom.  What she doesn't know is that since I have a bathtub separate from the shower, I've just been putting stuff in the bathtub until I know what to do with it, so it looks like I'm much further along than I really am.

Next - church.  Three singles wards meet in the building that I meet in, and there is even less parking (and no double parking options available) than the building in Columbus, so this year my ward meets at 3.  Yes, I will tell you, it's a little bit awful.  But I do have loads of time for reading in the morning, not to mention blog updating and box unloading.  So, while I don't love it, I can live with it.  Next year we move to 8, which I will like much better.  The ward is much bigger than I'm used to as well; about 250 people.  So it's a bit overwhelming, but I've already ran into three people that I knew at BYU, plus a friend of Mrs. Weasely, so I feel like at least there are some friendly faces about.

And finally - work.  Work is going well.  Really there's not much to report on there, except I work right on the Army base, which is a bit exciting.  It takes about a half an hour to get there, so I've been enjoying some good old BYU devotionals on the drive in and some good books on the drive home.  As my older sister pointed out, this is the first time in my life since college that I haven't work for a three letter acronym.  (In college I worked for BYU at the MTC, then I worked for MWH, then ACS, the CGI and finally the Ohio Department of Legislative Information Systems, or LIS, as it was called.  So I'm like a fish out of water here.)

And that's about it.  I'm enjoying the adventure so far.  I miss my friends, of course.  It just takes a while to meet new people, and I miss talking to people beyond the cursory getting to know your story questions.  (I especially miss Lauren, Tawna, the Carpers and Joseph for those more meaningful conversations, though I know it's dangerous to name names, and I miss everyone else too, trust me.)  But I know those things have to be waded through, and really I don't mind too much.  It's been fun and exciting.  But, you know, if you wanted to drop me a line or something to let me know that you still have fond thoughts of me, that's okay too.


  1. A friend of mine, eh? I have a few in DC, so I'm curious which one you met.

  2. You are missed in Ohio. But DC will be great. And I'll come visit.
