Sunday, July 25, 2010

there's traps and there's traps

I don't know why this story is in my head lately, but I figure i'll share it.  When my sister Lizzy still lived in Houston, I went to visit her.  We went to the Rothko Chapel with her friend Tye.  Just to make conversation I asked him what he liked to do.  He told me, "Pretty much all I do is work on my traps."  And I was thinking, well, that's kind of weird, but this is Texas.  I wonder if he has a lot of animals around his house and if he kills them and skins them or if he lets the animals go.  And also, I wonder why anyone would build their own traps, but again, everyone has their own hobbies.  And I wonder what kind of mechanisms he uses for his traps and if he's trying to build better and newer traps that will change the world of trapping as we know it.  I asked him what kind of traps he was building and it turns out he meant something completely different than what I was thinking.  I was a little disappointed because I was just starting to get excited by all this trapping stuff.

But the Rothko Chapel was pretty neat.


  1. Holy cow that was hilarious... That guy is a genious. I like to tell people when they ask me what I do for a living that "I'm a stripper" then after an awkward pause I say I strip wood floors for a living...
