Monday, March 28, 2011

gospel truths

My sister Lydia and her husband Mr. Wickham are primary teachers to the five year olds in their ward.  (Following the trend in the church to put newly weds in a place that will be the best birth control for them.)  They were teaching a lesson on the word of wisdom when this exchange took place:
Brother Wickham:  What are some things that we shouldn't drink so we can be healthy?
Little Girl 1:  Coffee
Little Girl 2:  Beer
Little Boy:  Blood
.....which is probably why the Mormons have such problems finding converts among the vampire population.


  1. They put newly weds in the Primary because no one else will work there. And so they can learn. I think Todd and Megan learned something very important that day.

  2. I mean, he's got a point, we shouldn't drink blood . . .
