Tuesday, August 17, 2010

where's that terrible towel when i need it?

I went home to visit my mother this weekend.  We had a lovely time together.  I love my mother.  But that is actually irrelevant to this post.

Here are the relevant bits of information:
1. Mom lives in Pittsburgh.
2. Uncle Steve also lives in Pittsburgh.
3. Uncles Steve (and family) love Steelers football.
4. There was a pre-season Steelers game last Saturday.
5. Uncle Steve had extra tickets to the Steelers game on Saturday.
6. Up until about 3 seconds ago, I thought it was spelled "Stealers" and I didn't know why it was being underlined in red.

Okay, that last one wasn't really relevant, but maybe it was interesting.  (Probably not.)  Anyway, as you are very good at deduction, you have figured out by now that mom and I went to the football game with Steve last Saturday night, plus my cousins Eleanor and Alex.  I'd only ever been to one pro football game before in my life, at I was maybe twelve years old at the time, so it was a interesting experience, even though it was just "pre-season."  I enjoyed the action and seeing the plays from a totally new angle than on tv.

As interesting as football is (which incidentally isn't as interesting as baseball, in my opinion) this post wouldn't be very exciting unless Something Happened at the Game.  In this case, the Something was rain.  Our seats were under an overhang, so we didn't get the worst of it.  Until the wind started.  Then we were in the same boat (ha ha) as everyone else.  We headed for higher ground, along with most of the others in the stadium.  An announcement came on the PA and the jumbo tron that the game was being postponed for now.  We were pretty much stranded in the stands of the stadium.  This is when Alex turned to Uncle Steve and said, "Dad, can we get some nachos?"  Oh Alex.  So innocent and undeterred by the weather.  Luckily he found an unopened bag of chips to tide him over until the rain lessoned enough (about an hour later) to send him and Eleanor out for supplies.  (That is one of the benefits of being an adult - you get to make your younger cousins your minions.)

Okay, so maybe this post wasn't actually as exciting as I thought it would be as I was writing it in my head in the stadium.  But it seemed memorable at the time.  One of those things where Eleanor and I will say to each other years from now, "Remember that Steelers game we went to with hurricane force winds and rain?" And we'll smile at each other knowingly and remember it.

I'll just end with a deep thought by Jack Handy:
"Most of the time it was probably a read bad thing being stuck down in a dungeon.  But some days, when there was a bad storm outside, you'd look out your little window and think, 'Boy, I'm glad I'm not out in THAT'."

1 comment:

  1. first of all, i LOVE the steelers, hence, i LOVE this story. second of all, i have a terrible towel on the chair in my hotel room. it travels with me. third of all, this same EXACT story (minus alex and the nachos) happened to me during one of my more recent steelers games. the wind. the rain. the postponing due to lightning.glad we have one more thing in common. love ya.
