Thursday, September 23, 2010

encounters at the grocery store

So, I was at my local Kroger tonight, looking for molasses.  I looked all over the baking isle, which is where I thought it would be, but I couldn't find it.  So then I thought it was probably in the syrup section, but I couldn't find that either.  I thought it would be by the pancake section, but that was also the baking isle and, well, now we're back where we started.  As it was after 10, there wasn't much in the way of people to ask, other than stockers and even those were few and far between.

Finally I found a young kid who looked promising.  (Now, before I tell this story, I just want to say that he was very young - maybe 18 tops - and probably didn't have much baking experience especially with molasses.)  I asked him where I might find some molasses and he looked at me a second, puzzled.  Then he put his hand up to his mouth and said, miming, "Like for smoking?"

And really, who among us hasn't thought of smoking molasses at one point or another in our lives?  I dare say we all have.  I was spared answering the question (forever leaving myself to wonder if we were both indeed thinking of the same kind of molasses) when another woman walked by, who I could ask.  (And, by the way, I was right - it was in the syrup section, which was in the cereal section, which I really should have thought of.  I guess.)

So, I happily checked out and as I was leaving, another young man nearly ran over me.  But he apologized by raising his case of beer and saying, "Cheers to you!"  Then looking closer at my bags he said, "Oh wait - that's not beer you have.  It's cling wrap.  Well, cheers anyway!"

1 comment:

  1. That was a funny story. "Like for smoking?" I wonder what he was thinking you were talking about.
