Sunday, November 2, 2008

from russia with love

Well, Little Sister got home from her mission on Thursday night. It was a delight to see her. She went to the Baltic Mission which comprises Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. She spoke Russian. (As part of the former CCCP, most people there speak Russian, though many do not like to, as it is the language of oppression.) She spent the weekend teaching me Russian words and phrases since "no one here speaks Russian." (I didn't have the heart to tell her that the reason was because the United States won the cold war.....)

I spent the weekend at my parents' house, which meant having to do things with my parents' branch - including a Halloween party. I'm sure everyone means well, but they always ask the same tiring questions:
"So, when are you going to get married?" (Answer: "How the H would I know?")
"Do you have your eye on anyone?" (Answer: the eye roll)
"When are you and your siblings going to finally decide to settle down and give your parents some grandchildren?" (Answer: When you start keeping your nose out of my business. In other words, never.)
"Well, now all your siblings have been on missions - but not you. Do you think you'll go now?" (Answer: blerg)
The highlight was when my other mother in the branch told me to just do what one of her daughters did and have a baby out of wedlock - "Then people don't ask when you will get married." (PS. She was joking. She was not advocating immorality.)

In other news - my sister told me about a fun "game" one of her companions's uncles would play with her called "Russian Spy." Said uncle would "interrogate" the companion (she was younger - about 8ish) and say in a thick Russian accent: "What is your name?!" The companion would state her name and the uncle would slap her face (lightly - in a playing manner) back and forth with the front and back of his hand and say, "Lies! Tell me your name!" Companion would again say her name and again recieve this same treatment. I'm not sure how long this game lasted, but little sister thought it was pretty funny.

Games played this weekend: Russian Spy, Don't Eat Pete!, Ticket to Ride, Majong, Pinochle


  1. Well even though you aren't married, are you still happy to have your sister home? Sounds like a great weekend!

  2. Oh yes! It was great to see her! I'm glad she'll be around for the next little while before heading back out to school.

  3. So when are you going to get married and start having kids so your parents can have grandkids?

    Just kiddin. It was questions like those that kept me away from family functions for years.
