Monday, December 8, 2008

little impulse control

I only know of a few people for sure who are reading this blog and most of you know me well enough to appreciate this story. (Names have been changed to protect.... me.)

As you well know, I'm fond of tripping people - just fake tripping, though. Yesterday at a ward activity, I fake tripped my friend Joe. I've done this to him many many times and he decided to retaliate. He is much taller than I am, and he put his hand on my forehead and said, "How are you going to get me now?" I reached out and of course I couldn't reach him with my hands. But you can't keep this girl down, so I fake kicked him. (Just wanting to show him that if I couldn't get him with my hands, I could still get him with my legs.)

Well, Joe let go of my head and kind of gave me a look. I said, "Just so you know, I was going for your stomach." (Lest he think I was really trying to hurt him.) He said, "Oh, no you weren't." I said, "I was so! And I didn't even really touch you!" To which Joe replied, "Oh yes you did!"

Heh.... heh heh. Ooops....... (At least it wasn't hard enough to do any damage....)

1 comment:

  1. Woopsie skoo . . . May Joe still be able to have children . . .
