- Lady MacBeth and Legolas really are delightful people to travel with. They don't get crabby (like I do) and they are flexible with the itinerary. And it was nice seeing my family. We all went to dinner for my little sister Lydia's birthday after the temple.
- We met up with my old friend Andrew from BYU. The day before we left I remembered that he lives in DC now, so I sent him an email asking if he was free to meet up and he was. He hung out with us all day on Saturday and it was just delightful to see him and remember all the fun times we used to have.
- The wedding, of course, was lovely. I almost missed it due to traffic, but I got to the temple with about three minutes to spare. They took most of the pictures before the wedding (which no one told me... hmmmmm.....) so I got out of that part. But they took one picture after the ceremony with everyone. I convinced Lady MacBeth and Legolas to be in the picture. Everyone was kind of standing by families with the bride's side to the right and the groom's to the left. Except one little niece of the groom came over to our side and decided to hold Lydia's hand. And Legolas put his hand on Lydia's shoulder, so it will probably look like they are a couple with a cute little daughter in the wedding picture.
- We went to the Library of Congress. We weren't able to go into the part with all the books, just the part with the history and displays and stuff. I got a library card even though you're only supposed to get them if you're going to do research. But the next time I come back I will go and spend some time there.
- The Metro - I just love public transportation. I don't know why.
- I found the monuments to be quite beautiful. I wish that I could be that artistic. I guess that's why I don't design monuments. We saw the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam war memorials. Plus the Lincoln Monument. But not the Jefferson since I have a general dislike of him in deference to John Adams.
- I had one of the best hamburgers of my whole life at Ray's Hell Burgers. (It may have been called Ray's the Steaks, I'm not sure.) We also had some good chili at a place frequented by Barack (and by "frequented" I mean he's been there once). And we hiked about a hundred miles to a really good cupcake place. (I don't actually like cake very much, but I didn't want to spoil the party since Lady MacBeth and Legolas had been such good sports in going to all the places I'd wanted to go. But they were very good cupcakes for being made of cake.)
- This was my first time in the Air and Space Museum and I liked it. There was so much to see. It just went on and on and on. I could have spent all day there. (Note: I could have also spent all day at the Library of Congress, had they let me.)
- And finally, the magnet that Legolas bought me: (this might not be it exactly, but it's close)

Sounds like a fun trip! I'm glad that you were able to avoid any run-ins with the law.