Monday, September 7, 2009

jane eyre

About two months ago, Mrs. Weasley recommended that I watch the new Masterpiece Theatre version of Jane Eyre. (At least, I hope that's the version she recommended, because it's the one I watched.) I'm honestly not much of a home movie watcher because it always seems like I'm doing other things, but I ordered it from NetFlix. (I don't even know why I have a NetFlix account since I hardly ever watch movies, but that's beside the point.) I got the movie probably three weeks ago, and finally today, since I had the day off and avoided contact with other people, I sat down and watched it. It was comprised of two dvds and lasted four hours.

I know this may come as a shock to many of you, as I do enjoy reading so much, but I've never actually read Jane Eyre before. I've never even seen another version of it, so I really had no idea what was coming. I found the beginning very odd indeed and was really unsure as to what was going on. But by the end I decided I liked it very much. Maybe even enough to read the book. Mr. Rochester was so dreamy. I might even like him more than Mr. Darcy. Maybe. He was just so brooding and delightful. I hope one day that I meet someone who will call me a witch my whole life. (And as Jane is very plain, but also very passionate, I think it would be a very apt comparison with me.)


  1. If only I'd known, I would have loaned you my dvd. And please don't insult Mr Darcy. My only problem with the book was Jane herself. I thought they made her too plain. He was way too good looking for her.

  2. I like dreamy men too... Err wait..

  3. So if you've never read the book, why did you name one of your former roommates Jane Eyre?? Are you saying she was plain and a witch?

  4. well, i didn't know jane eyre was a plain witch before. i just picked her for said roommate because she was a recognizable literary character.

    though, i guess now you could say that the roommate married a beast... ;)

  5. I need to read/watch this also . . . someday

  6. Hey Kristin! I can't believe you haven't read Jane Eyre! It is one of my favorite books of all time. If you liked the movie, you would love the book for sure.

  7. I enjoyed "Jane Eyre" and it was good times... I'm finishing up "Shirley" by Charlotte Bronte and maybe you should read that too... I have a goal for myself with reading 1 good piece of literature every 2 months and so far, so good! Have any ideas?
