Monday, September 14, 2009

mixed drinks

A few weeks ago, I went to a friend's wedding where they served sparkling cider so we could all toast the happy couple.  I usually like sparkling cider, but this stuff tasted to me like beer smells, so I didn't love it.  Raskolnikov mixed his with diet coke, so I thought I'd try the same thing, but I still didn't like the concoction.  I just ended up wasting precious diet coke.

I realized my flaw: I was trying to mix something I didn't like with something I did like in order to make it good.  This plan doesn't work very often.  If you mix mushrooms with soup, you get soup that is gross and tastes like mushrooms.  If you mix Sunday School with a nintendo party, maybe it spices up the class a bit, but in the end they are still trying to teach you about paying your tithing.

Point being, I realized I should try mixing two things I like.  Sure, it might not work, but it had a higher probability of succeeding than the first experiment.  I tried two drinks that are both delightful in and of themselves: diet coke (of course) and pineapple juice.  The result was even better than I thought it would be and is now my new favorite drink.   In my mind, I think it must be what rum and coke is like to drinkers because I think that rum is kind of fruity, right?   Maybe not, I don't know.  What I do know is that diet pineapple coke isn't helping me in my "goal" to stop drinking so much pop, but it is helping me drink more fruit juice, which is good for you, right?  I'm calling it sixes as we stand here.


  1. Sunday School Nintendo Party . . . intriguing. We’ll have to try that this Sunday. Except instead of tithing we’ll talk about pirates, and how they relate to computer programming. Obama owes me a favor, so maybe I’ll have him teach it. He said as long as I provide a Diet Coke fountain and dark chocolate he’s game. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Throw in some back scratching and I'd say that would be the best class ever. I might even skip Japan for that.
