Thursday, September 3, 2009

please don't shake me, no don't wake me, leave me where i am... i'm only sleeping....

Anyone who has ever lived with me knows that I am not a night person. I get all crazy and sometimes crabby. The problem is that I think I still am qualified to speak and make decisions, when really I am not. (When living with Mrs. Weasely, she had a rule that said, "No life decisions after 10 pm." A good rule for me.) I say things I regret and my swearing increases exponentially with how late it gets.

One thing that I often do is trick myself into falling asleep. I am a very good sleeper, especially when I tell myself I'm not going to sleep for the night - I'm just going to take a little nap so I can be awake enough to get ready for bed in a few minutes. Monday night I didn't even think I was tired and I was wondering how I was going to fall asleep. I layed on my bed, waiting for my roommate to get out of the bathroom, and the next thing I knew it was 6:30 in the morning and I'd slept all night in jeans with my contacts in and all the lights in my bedroom on.

(Side note: sleeping all night with your contacts in makes an uncomfortable day the next day. Your contacts trap in all that enzyme whatever whatever stuff that makes eye goobers and so it turns your eyes extra gooey for the duration of the day.) (Unless you are smart enough to take out your contacts and wear your glasses instead.) (Which I'm not.)

Knowing that if I try to take a nap in my bed, nine times out of ten I'll end up sleeping all night, I sometimes try to take a nap on the floor, thinking it will be uncomfortable enough to wake me up after not too long. But usually what happens is my arm will fall asleep, which will wake me up, but I'm too far gone by that point and I will just fumble into my bed with the same results as if I'd started there.

Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely not complaining about this sleeping talent of mine. I'd rather be able to fall asleep under many diverse conditions than not to be able to fall asleep. I'm just telling you why I will sometimes tell you to go to h-e-double toothpicks if you're talking to me after 10pm.


  1. yay...i can't wait to travel with you...

  2. Your medical knowledge of eyes is 100% accurate, except for enzimes. Enzymes.

    You should find a job like mine where you wear pajamas all day. It's darn convenient. You only need to change if you've got blood on you.

  3. you'd think by now i'd learn to spell check.

    i wonder if they'd get mad at me if i wore pajamas to work here... probably.

    and, erin, you should ask rebecca about the time we went to paris. i fell asleep within 2 minutes of getting to the hotel. i think i still had my coat and shoes on.
