Wednesday, January 13, 2010

um.. yeah... i'm sure it's fine there... i'll be back for it....

Today is Legolas's birthday. (Happy birthday, Legolas!)  Since he is going out of town this weekend, the Werewolf and I took him out last weekend.  We started out with a good dinner at Bravo!  Then we went shopping.

Legolas love shopping. He is very fashionable and he's always trying to get the Werewolf and I to get new things.  So we told him as part of our present to him, we would go shopping and buy something for ourselves.  It was just what he wanted.

I'm not a really big shopper myself (hence Legolas's wish that I buy some new things) and after what felt like about fifteen hours, but was probably only about 45 minutes I was just tiredly following along with the other two.  I'm not sure what store we were in, but the Werewolf and I were looking at something (I don't know what) and Legolas was in another part of the store.  He called us over to look at something else and we started to walk over when this exchange took place.

Me: "Oh, hey, the Werewolf.  You left your bag and coat here."

The Werewolf: "Oh. I was just going to leave them there for a second."

Me: "Aren't you worried that someone might steal them? Or that you'll accidently forget them?"

The Werewolf: "Yeah, you're probably right.  I'll grab them."

He took his stuff, and we started to walk away when the Werewolf stopped and raised his eyebrows and gave me a look.  And then he looked pointedly at my bag that I had forgot I set down next to a clothes rack and was about to leave behind.  I sheepishly picked it up and headed off to see what Legolas was excited about.

I'd probably forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.

Happy birthday Legolas!
And Happy birthday Scout too!

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