Tuesday, January 26, 2010

one of *those* people

I've been awfully busy lately. 

First of all I have a full time job, and they seem to want me there 40 hours a week every week

And then I'm in school right now.  (Quick update if you didn't know: I want to go back to school for a degree in bioinformatics, but I need a much stronger chemistry background than I currently have.)  That takes longer than I remember in my undergrad.  I mean, I have to go to class twice a week after work. Plus, I have to study and do homework. 

And then around those things, I have to try to work in things like exercising and going to church and doing my laundry and cleaning the house.  (Okay, as Scartlet will probably not tell you because she's too nice but what she thinks is that I don't really clean the house all that much.)

So because of all these distractions I've really had a hard time fitting in my first true love in life, which as you know is being with people and sharing my love with them.

No, I kid.  People can go hang as far as I care.  My first true love is, of course, reading.  But reading is easily to put aside when you have a chemistry lab write-up to finish and no clean underwear.  So, how does one find time to read?  Well, for me, I've had to resort to what I did when I was getting my undergrad.  That is, I have to read while doing other things.

I mean, do you even realize how much time you waste in life that could be spent reading?  Of course there is the standard reading-while-eating.  But I've had to expand it to anything I can.  I read before class starts and during our class breaks. I read while brushing my teeth and blow drying my hair. I read while waiting for the elevator and in the elevator.  I've even taken to reading while walking to and from wherever I'm headed.  Yes, even that.

(Aside: I was annoyed with myself today because I forgot to bring the book I'm reading with me to work to read at lunch, etc.  But then I realized that I literally had ten library books in my car, so I just picked one of those to bring in.  Problem solved.)

So, I guess until things slow down a bit (i.e. spring break) I guess this will be how I'll get in my reading.  As to how I will work in being with my friends, well, I just have to say, keep it down - I'm trying to read here.


  1. I'm sure that reading while drying your hair is far less dangerous than texting while drying your hair. You're brave taking a chemistry class--my last class was in high school, and I remember zip.

  2. You should try reading while driving your car...

  3. I LOVE to read my sweet Kristin, and I must admit I have read doing many of those things...My mother has been living with us while her house is being worked on, and it's weird having someone know that I just turn the tv on sometimes and completely ignore my children while I read. Bad MOmmy! Anyway, I haven't been reading quite as much now. Are you on Good Reads or anything? Then I could read all the books you gave the best ratings too. Please?
