Wednesday, January 6, 2010

frazzled part 2

Last night my hands were dry (a common theme in winter) so I decided to put some lotion on.  I keep my lotion in a closet at the top of the stairs.  So, I took my ring off and put it on the little ledge above the stairs.  When my hands were nice and moisturized, I looked for my ring to put it back on, but it was gone! I'm very talented at losing things, but this was even faster than usual as I hadn't moved from the spot I was in.  I thought that I must have somehow knocked it off the ledge. 

I looked on the stairs, but it wasn't there.  I looked on the other side of the ledge.  I looked in my bedroom, to see if it had somehow rolled in there.  I looked in the living room to see if it had rolled down the stairs and bounced in there.  I checked under the bookshelf that currently resides on the foot of the stairs.  I couldn't find it anywhere!  So I checked all the places again. And again.  And finally I just had to give up and hope I would somehow choose the right when I went out, even without my ring reminding me.  I hoped the ring would turn up somewhere eventually.

This morning I got up and went through all my morning rituals.  I opened the lotion closet to get something out and right there on the shelf was my ring!  I'm really not sure how I convinced myself so thoroughly that I put my ring on the ledge that I didn't even think to look in the closet.  But at least I'll make correct choices again today.  Just don't hold me responsible for my actions last night....

(I hope this will tide you over for now, KKBC and BAC.  I'll try to keep up better in the future.)

1 comment:

  1. I've done the same thing . . . our mind is a weird black hole sometimes!
