Friday, March 27, 2009

jeans day

Today at work I got to wear jeans. I was more excited than a woman my age with an addiction for public radio should be. The deal was thus: if we paid $30 to the Ohio Food Bank (or some Ohio food something, I don't really remember) we get to wear jeans every Friday from now until July. Of course I signed up, even though I'm not really sure what charity I donated to. I probably would have given the $30 to the Society for the Return of Voldemort and Murder of Baby Kittens Fund to wear jeans to work once a week for four months. I personally don't see why programmers have to wear "business casual" anyway. I mean, I do have to go to meetings with other people, but they are all people in my company and they are all people who should know that "programmer" = "no social skills, and you're lucky I even remembered to put enough clothes on to cover everything". But, c'est la vie. Once a week is enough for me.

Side note: I'm wearing jeans as I'm working right now, as I had some stuff to finish up for work today and for once I didn't have to change when I got home. (huzzah!) Also, it's okay that I'm updating my blog and checking facebook as I am finishing up this work stuffo because I'm not billing these hours, right? Right.

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