Friday, March 6, 2009

this was almost the coolest post ever

If this was the coolest blog post ever, it would have started like this:
Today, I shook President Obama's hand.

But this is not the coolest blog post ever, and so, instead it begins like this:
I had to work today, and I hate Gatsby.

The timeline:
Sunday: Gatsby called me and asked if I waned to go the the press conference that the president was giving in Columbus on Friday. He knew a guy and blah blah blah we would get to go, if we wanted. Of course I said yes.
Monday: I went through the hoops of getting Friday off. Since I am currently working for two different groups in my department it was harder than it seems like it should be. I had to ask both bosses (one of whom was out of the office) and then the big boss. Then I had to schedule it into the master schedule and all that. But I got it off. And I was excited.
Wednesday: Checking my gmail when I got into work, I saw that Gatsby had written on my facebook wall saying there was a problem. When he called his contact to set us up, there was only one slot left, and he took it for himself. Two problems: 1. Why didn't he call earlier - as soon as I told him I wanted to go? 2. Why did he tell me over facebook that I couldn't go? (As Rebecca says, telling someone something over facebook is awful because then the whole world gets to know it, and usually before you.) (When I start speaking to Gatsby again, I'm going to tell him to grow a pair.) Spent the rest of the day doodling "I hate Gatsby" on my notebook.
Thursday: Gave up hope and cancelled vacation day.
Friday: Did not shake the president's hand.

And that's that. Now, today's post:

I had to work today, and I hate Gatsby. Also, I got my taxes done. (By "I", I really mean "My dad", but I did look on and I answered questions when he had them.)

The End. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed Gatsby's wall posting last week and wondered what he was talking about. Now I know. And he's a jerk. Seriously, a regular email would have been better than a wall posting (but still would have been cowardly).
