Monday, November 23, 2009

keeping my guardian angels busy

Most of us think we're pretty good drivers.  I know I'm not that great. As I was driving home from Cleveland the other day I realize that I've done lots of things that I probably shouldn't.  For your reading pleasure, here's a list of things that I've done in the past (I definitely don't do any of these things any more, I swear) but only when I've been alone. I do try to be a little safer when I have others in the car, though only because I'm embarrassed to do these things in front of others probably.

- Call and text people.  I think that almost everyone does this.  Come on, I know you have, just admit it.  (Aside: the other day I was texting Legolas while driving and I accidently told him, "I'll son you soon" instead of "I'll see you soon."  You know 866 instead of 833. Awkward. Luckily he didn't take me up on it.)

- Eat.  I think everyone has eaten in the car too.  I've made fry sauce while driving.

- Change clothes.  I bet a good percentage of people have done this while driving too.  I've done this so many times.  Occasionally I've changed from top to bottom, including putting on tights and changing my shirt.

- Sit cross legged.  Just on long trips.  I mostly stopped doing this when I realized I couldn't stop in a hurry if I needed to.

- I wear my sunglasses at night.  I just wanted to see what it was like.  And then I forgot I was wearing them and I kept them on for about half an hour.

- Don't defrost the wind shield.  When I was in high school I sometimes didn't scrape at all.  I'd just look out the little patch of visible glass at the very base of the wind shield until the whole thing was defrosted as I drove to school.

- Read. Did you doubt it?

- Take pictures and videos.  Sometimes you just see the coolest things when driving.  Or I'll record odometer milestones.  I took a video in the snowstorm I was in while driving to Ohio so people would know how awful it was.

So, yeah, it's pretty much a miracle I'm still alive.  It probably doesn't make you feel safer knowing that there's people like me out there on the road.  Just smile for the camera!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Oh gosh- I'm also guilty of so many of those! it does make you think about being safe on the road . . . I really need to get myself together.

    PS I love the sunglasses at night. You are basically a vampire.
