Friday, May 29, 2009

i'm lazy

It used to be that I didn't much care for blogging. I'd always forget to read people's blogs and then those people would get shirty with me because I didn't know something going on in their life that was on their blog. In times past, I would think, "You are being ridiculous. We are friends. If you want me to know something about you, just tell me. Don't expect me to have read something you have posted for the whole world."

Lately, however, my views have changed. I realized that blogs allow me to further indulge my laziness. I mean, these days I can buy books and shoes, rent movies, get directions, renew library items and even order pizza all on the Internet. Now with the great number of blogs popping up all over the place, I can know what is going on with all my friends without the disadvantage of having to talk to anyone. It's a win-win situation! True, sometimes I do enjoy talking to people (if it's not oh the phone), but more often than not I get caught up in my daily life and I just don't end up keeping up like I could.

Plus, people blog about what they think about and I find this really interesting. I learn a lot about people from their blogs. I like learning things that don't necessarily come up in normal conversation. Sure, we get the normal things like how you are the same as every other parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle on the planet and think the kid related to you is the cutest/smartest/best ever. Or how much your job sucks (or not having a job). Or your vacation adventures. I expect those. I write them myself. It's the unexpected things that I really enjoy. Like all the 80s shows you love. Or the time you found a strawberry in your peach yogurt. Or how your neighbors smoke and it leaks in through your shower.

That's why I am always telling you to update your blog, even when you think you have nothing to say. Come on - you've got to have some random thought passing through your head. Stop being a pansy and write something! I mean, look at this blog - I don't think it's all that amazing, and yet you continue to read it. Of course, maybe you are like Scout and you just read certain people's blogs to remind yourself how dumb they are and to find things to make fun of. And that's okay with me too.


  1. I blogged about spaghetti. Hope you like it (the blog, not spaghetti. Though spaghetti is good, too.)

  2. I just like to stalk you K... And your stories are great too...
